Senin, 09 April 2012

mendadak sedikit keren

baru aja 2 jam yang lalu dapat bbm ada kompetisi beasiswa astra internasional , deadline nya besokk . matiii deh !!!! oke , ga cukup itu , ternyata semua nya pake bahasa inggris -__- . isinya 5 lembar pula' . di lembar ke-empat ada ditanya "prestasi terbaik kamu apa dan bagaimana kamu menyempurnakannya dan menghadapinya" , ni aku terjemahin ke indo . hmmm , ya karna ini kompetisi internasional ya harus ada yg membanggakan dari diri aku yang harus aku gali . dan gini ni aku buat , hwehee : 

My best achievement was to become the youngest student. I was in the lives of people far more mature than me. here I use my own ability to adapt to the environment adults. although I was younger, I never said they could not complain to. would force adaptation that makes me motivated to become a great person. I have always thought that I could be more powerful than them. without my knowing it, my life is really great. Sometimes, living in the neighborhood of older people is hard, a lot of problems that occur that do not correspond with my age. but I always deal with a gentle response. during college, I was one student who always has a high value college. passion for learning never goes down. parents and my friends are the people who always support me in life. such as lectures, face the problem. age is not an obstacle to learning, age is not an obstacle to success. but the intention and confidence is what will be the capital to succeed. I will always be the best for myself and family . I never force myself to be a smart kid in class, because my people are easily bored while studying in college is always enforced. but I always push myself to be a smart person . because smart people are not necessarily smart. even though my age is younger than my friends, I never feel inferior and I always make friends with anyone. because I live to make friends. I also never complained to the problems I had. important, has always been a woman who always make other people happy . My dream from childhood dreams was to be a doctor, and was now a reality. I was a medical student who wander in the city. for education, I dare to pursue my dream of anything that hinders me. doctor is noble work, where we can communicate with anyone and be useful to others ...

yaa whatever deh mau jelek ato gak . mau hancur ato gak . ya namanya ini instan . tapi menurut aku sih agak2 keren gmana gtu . wkwkwk . semoga aku lulus . aminnnn :) . never give up . ganbate kudasai !!!! hihihi

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